Python API ========== Compiling files --------------- Very basic usage is simple enough:: from scss import Scss css = Scss() css.compile("a { color: red + green; }") Configuration ------------- There are several configuration variables in the ``scss.config`` module that you may wish to change. ``PROJECT_ROOT``: Root of your entire project. Used only to construct defaults for other variables. Defaults to the root of the pyScss installation, which is probably not what you want. ``LOAD_PATHS``: An iterable of paths to search when using``@import``. ``STATIC_ROOT``: Used for finding sprite files. Defaults to ``$PROJECT_ROOT/static``. ``ASSETS_ROOT``: Generated sprites are saved here. Defaults to ``$STATIC_ROOT/assets``. ``CACHE_ROOT``: Used for storing cached sprite information. Defaults to ``ASSETS_ROOT``. ``STATIC_URL``: URL equivalent to ``STATIC_ROOT``. Defaults to ``static/``. ``ASSETS_URL``: URL equivalent to ``ASSETS_ROOT``. Defaults to ``static/assets/``. ``SPRTE_MAP_DIRECTION``: Direction in which to arrange sprites in a spritesheet. Defaults to ``vertical``; may be changed to ``horizontal``, ``diagonal``, or ``smart``. ``VERBOSITY``: Increase spew from the compiler. Defaults to ``1``. ``DEBUG``: Set to true to make parse errors fatal. Defaults to false. .. warning:: Configuration via monkeypatching is fraught with issues. If you don't need the Compass sprite functionality, stick with passing ``search_paths`` to the ``Scss`` constructor, and don't touch these variables at all. The current plan is to introduce a new mechanism for Compass configuration in 1.3 with deprecation warnings, and remove ``scss.config`` entirely in 2.0. Django example -------------- A rough example of using pyScss with Django:: import os import fnmatch import scss from django.conf import settings from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders def finder(glob): """ Finds all files in the django finders for a given glob, returns the file path, if available, and the django storage object. storage objects must implement the File storage API: """ for finder in finders.get_finders(): for path, storage in finder.list([]): if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, glob): yield path, storage # STATIC_ROOT is where pyScss looks for images and static data. # STATIC_ROOT can be either a fully qualified path name or a "finder" # iterable function that receives a filename or glob and returns a tuple # of the file found and its file storage object for each matching file. # ( scss.config.STATIC_ROOT = finder scss.config.STATIC_URL = settings.STATIC_URL # ASSETS_ROOT is where the pyScss outputs the generated files such as spritemaps # and compile cache: scss.config.ASSETS_ROOT = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'assets/') scss.config.ASSETS_URL = settings.MEDIA_URL + 'assets/' # These are the paths pyScss will look ".scss" files on. This can be the path to # the compass framework or blueprint or compass-recepies, etc. scss.config.LOAD_PATHS = [ '/usr/local/www/sass/frameworks/', '/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.11.5/frameworks/compass/stylesheets/', '/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.11.5/frameworks/blueprint/stylesheets/', ] # This creates the Scss object used to compile SCSS code. In this example, # _scss_vars will hold the context variables: _scss_vars = {} _scss = scss.Scss( scss_vars=_scss_vars, scss_opts={ 'compress': True, 'debug_info': True, } ) # 1. Compile from a string: compiled_css_from_string = _scss.compile('@import "file2"; a {color: red + green; }') # 2. Compile from a file: compiled_css_from_file = _scss.compile(scss_file='file1.scss') # 3. Compile from a set of files (use SortedDict or collections.OrderedDict to # maintain the compile order): _scss._scss_files = SortedDict(( ('file2.scss', open('file2.scss').read()), ('file3.scss', open('file3.scss').read()), ('file4.scss', open('file4.scss').read()), )) compiled_css_from_files = _scss.compile() .. note:: The API here is likely to be improved in 1.3, to avoid the need for calling underscored functions. Extending pyScss ---------------- There is some support for adding custom functions from Python, but the API is explicitly undocumented and subject to change. Watch this space. .. todo:: Document the extension API once it's final.