Installation and usage ====================== Installation ------------ pyScss requires only Python 2.5 or later, including Python 3.x. PyPy is also known to work. Install with pip:: pip install pyScss Its lone dependency is the ``six`` library, which pip should install for you. Usage ----- Run from the command line by using ``-m``:: python -mscss < file.scss Specify directories to search for imports with ``-I``. See ``python -mscss --help`` for more options. .. note:: ``-mscss`` will only work in Python 2.7 and above. For Python 2.5 and 2.6, ``-m`` doesn't work with packages, and you need to invoke:: python -mscss.tool Interactive mode ---------------- To get a REPL:: python -mscss --interactive Example session:: $ python --interactive >>> @import "compass/css3" >>> show() ['functions', 'mixins', 'options', 'vars'] >>> show(mixins) ['apply-origin', 'apply-transform', ... 'transparent'] >>> show(mixins, transparent) @mixin transparent() { @include opacity(0); } >>> 1px + 5px 6px >>> _ Compass example --------------- With ``--load-path`` or ``scss.config.LOAD_PATHS`` set to Compass and Blueprint roots, you can compile with Compass like with the following:: @option compress: no; $blueprint-grid-columns : 24; $blueprint-grid-width : 30px; $blueprint-grid-margin : 10px; $font-color : #333; @import "compass/reset"; @import "compass/utilities"; @import "blueprint"; // your code...